Engaines Primary School & Nursery

Achieve, Believe, Succeed


What is Ofsted?

Ofsted is a government body that carries out inspections of schools. We had our last Ofsted inspection in December 2022 and the report overall judges Engaines Primary School and Nursery as a school that is ‘Good’. 

An Ofsted report is important, but we would always recommend that you come and visit our amazing school and talk to our wonderful children to make up your own mind. We believe, as our mission statement says Believe, Achieve, Succeed’, that together we are truly achieving great things!

Please click on the link below to see the full OFSTED report at the Ofsted Website. 

Engaines Primary School & Nursery OFSTED report

Here is a copy available to download

Parent View - Please Feedback your Views

To help our school and Ofsted receive accurate data, please express your views via Parent View.

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school. 

Parent’s can submit their opinions on matters such as their opinion on the quality of teaching and how the school deals with bullying and poor behaviour for example.

By sharing your views, you’ll be helping your child’s school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about your child’s school. Or, if you want to you can look at results for any school in England.

Engaines Primary School & Nursery

Achieve, Believe, Succeed


What is Ofsted?

Ofsted is a government body that carries out inspections of schools. We had our last Ofsted inspection in December 2022 and the report overall judges Engaines Primary School and Nursery as a school that is ‘Good’. 

An Ofsted report is important, but we would always recommend that you come and visit our amazing school and talk to our wonderful children to make up your own mind. We believe, as our mission statement says Believe, Achieve, Succeed’, that together we are truly achieving great things!

Please click on the link below to see the full OFSTED report at the Ofsted Website. 

Engaines Primary School & Nursery OFSTED report

Here is a copy available to download

Parent View - Please Feedback your Views

To help our school and Ofsted receive accurate data, please express your views via Parent View.

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school. 

Parent’s can submit their opinions on matters such as their opinion on the quality of teaching and how the school deals with bullying and poor behaviour for example.

By sharing your views, you’ll be helping your child’s school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about your child’s school. Or, if you want to you can look at results for any school in England.